I understand that [name of sponsor] is
a sponsor of the March of Dimes (MOD). I think you should look
closer at MOD's activities. It is very disturbing that MOD has
wasted millions of dollars on inhumane animal experiments which have
contributed little or nothing to the prevention and treatment of
birth defects.
It is shocking to learn that MOD has funded
experiments such as the now-infamous "study" in which newborn
kittens' eyelids were sewn shut and left in that condition for
months before these unfortunate animals were killed. MOD has also
provided money for experimenters to give nicotine, cocaine, and
alcohol to animals, even though we already know from human clinical
experience that these substances can harm a developing baby.
The most significant advances in birth defects research have
come from human-based studies. Researchers working with human
populations were responsible for identifying, among other things,
the thalidomide disaster, fetal rubella syndrome, fetal alcohol
syndrome, the association of folic acid deficiency with spinal cord
abnormalities, the effects of lead and methyl mercury on
development, and the role of magnesium sulfate in potentially
preventing the majority of cerebral palsy and mental retardation in
very low-birth-weight babies.
More than 35,000 people have
already written to March of Dimes to express their outrage about its
ongoing wasteful and cruel animal experiments. A recent public
opinion poll indicates that most Americans prefer to support health
charities that have a policy of not funding any animal experiments,
such as the National Easter Seal Society, the Association of Birth
Defect Children, and the American Kidney Fund. An online list of
charities that do and do not fund animal experiments is available at
Given your support of March of
Dimes, you may wish to contact the charity to express concern over
its continued support for animal experiments. MOD would do well to
move its funds away from animal experiments and towards more
effective and much more humane, human- centered research.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.