Peace Related Sites

"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been murderers and tyrants, and for a time they can seem invincible. But in the end they always fall. Think of this always". -- Mahatma Gandhi .............................In order to rally people, governments need enemies. They want us to be afraid, to hate, so we will rally behind them. And if they do not have a real enemy, they will invent one in order to mobilize us............ Thich Nhat Hanh .................."We must rapidly begin the shift from a thing-oriented society to a person-oriented society. When machines and computers, profit motives and property rights, are considered more important than people, the giant triplets of racism, extreme materialism, and militarism are incapable of being conquered." ........Martin Luther King..................."If a thousand men were not to pay their tax-bills this year, that would not be a violent and bloody measure, as it would be to pay them, and enable the State to commit violence and shed innocent blood. This is, in fact, the definition of a peaceable revolution, if any such is possible." Henry David Thoreau..................."No matter that patriotism is too often the refuge of scoundrels. Dissent, rebellion, and all-around hell-raising remain the true duty of patriots." Barbara Ehrenreich.................."The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself." Archibald Macleish................"A conservative is one who admires radicals centuries after they're dead." Leo C. Rosten..............."The radical of one century is the conservative of the next. The radical invents the views. When he has worn them out, the conservative adopts them." Mark Twain.............."When will our consciences grow so tender that we will act to prevent human misery rather than avenge it?" Eleanor Roosevelt...................."We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. When the loyal opposition dies, I think the soul of the country dies with it." Edward R. Murrow................"When great changes occur in history, when great principles are involved, as a rule the majority are wrong. The minority are right." Eugene V. Debs................."Without debate, without criticism, no administration and no country can succeed — and no republic can survive." John F. Kennedy........................"Who can protest an injustice but does not is an accomplice to the act." The Talmud.................."A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government." Edward Abbey..............."In a democracy dissent is an act of faith. Like medicine, the test of its value is not in its taste, but in its effects." J. William Fulbright, US Senator (1905-1995)................."When the government fears the people, you have liberty. When the people fear the government, you have tyranny." Thomas Jefferson............."The reward for conformity was that everyone liked you except yourself." Rita Mae Brown.........."Tell a man whose house is on fire to give a moderate alarm; tell him to moderately rescue his wife from the hands of the ravisher; tell the mother to gradually extricate her babe from the fire into which it has fallen; but urge me not to use moderation." William Lloyd Garrison.................Your taxes are war taxes - Redirect them for a better world

Work for peace. The way to peace is peace is the way.

If you work for peace, stop paying for war

Other interesting peace tax and peace websites:

Conscience and Peace Tax International (CPTI)
Conscience and Peace Tax International aims to obtain recognition of the right to conscientious objection to paying for armaments and war preparation and war conduct through taxes. CPTI works through international movements and through international institutions such as the United Nations and the European Union. Help the CPTI History Project.
National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee (NWTRCC)
NWTRCC is a resource center and coalition for the US conscientious war tax resistance movement. It is made up of local, regional and national affiliate groups. NWTRCC sees poverty, racism, sexism, homophobia, economic exploitation, environmental destruction and militarization of law enforcement as integrally linked with the militarism which we abhor. Through the redirection of our tax dollars, NWTRCC members contribute directly to the struggle for peace and justice for all. We publish a newsletter six times a year, facilitate an online discussion group, and have literature that provides specific, practical details about war tax resistance.
Center on Conscience and War / National Interreligious Service Board for Conscientious Objectors (NISBCO)

G.I. Rights Hotline, a toll-free number for military personnel and their families. NISBCO's services are available to U.S. citizens, permanent residents and documented or undocumented aliens.
Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL)
The Objector: Home of the Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors (CCCO) 
G.I. Rights Network
War Resisters League
PeaceTax Payers
Pax Christi USA
Jewish Peace Fellowship
The Institute for Peace and Justice
National Priorities Project (NPP)
Center for Defense Information
Civil Disobedience Index
First Amendment Center (of the Freedom Forum Online)
Religious Freedom section of the Freedom Forum Online
Institute for First Amendment Studies
National Commission on Restructuring the Internal Revenue Service
The Religious Freedom Home Page
University of Minnesota Human Right Library 
Peace and Activist Links.
Vote Smart Web
Ways and Means Committee of the House of Representatives 
Contract With The
Interfaith Alliance
One Million Taxpayers For Peace

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