This is not the
truth about the end but a hint about beginning When the Buddha had sat alone for nearly forever beneath the tree of many names when he had taken into himself all the suffering there is and will always be then he did not despair he turned away from the empty air that starving saints exhale he laughed at the idea of nothing What he saw clear and unmistakable before him and really on all sides was a lake, and the lake shone and there was light in it and he knew that to hold all that water in his gaze would mislead him about his own size, unless he entered the water and bathed for there is no enlightenment without immersion And so after so long the Buddha entered enlightenment which is not the end but the end of being alone and the Buddha, whom the world had thought sufficient unto himself, was not for that was what enlightenment taught And at the end of so long alone the Buddha slowly turned toward all the others who were also alone and she opened her arms and around them all the water stretched and shone Author Unknown |